As I sit in morning prayers preparing self and space for sacred Medicine Bag Workshop today with a circle of my tribe, I think of all the two leggeds everywhere on this place we all call home, Mother Earth.
I have called Clarkston, GA home for 9 years, which is the most diverse square mile in America. My life has been changed by people from all over the world and I am grateful for all the diverse faces I call friends, and even family. I love and respect them deeply. Together we create community.
Tears ran down my face this morning as I watched CBS Sunday Morning and saw that 54% of Americans think Syrian refugees and others displaced for reason out of their control should go elsewhere to escape terrorism and war. I felt empathy and compassion for that 54% that are missing such beautiful experiences and growth opportunities when surround by a diverse community. To be so short sighted and narrow minded to think that someone from a difference place or belief should be feared and considered suspicious. Clarkston has made my life more beautiful and I have become a much better person because of the people of various countries who now call Clarkston home.
I have shared food, created, prayed and played with many difference races and faces and wouldn’t exchange those experiences for anything. I have created space for them to create art and murals together and break down many barriers. I thank Creator for all who have crossed my path and made my journey deeper and richer.
In love and gratitude, my palette is more colorful because of a diverse circle. Love is the way. Expand two leggeds, and welcome everyone. We all share the same water, the same air, the same Mother Earth. Practice empathy, compassion and love. Be a life long learner, no matter what age or place you call home. Open up. The awakening is here.
Stay connected!